Sab Bhartiya

Sab Bhartiya

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Difference between Materialism and Sprituality from words of Swamiji

What is material and what is not material? When the world is the end and God the means to attain that end, then that is material. When God is the end and the world is only the means to attain that end, spirituality has begun.


  1. I found a really great quote of Swamiji on Materialism and Spirituality as beautifully described by Swamiji...
    I find it as follows
    When you have a dream to achieve something and you find the way God has given,the way of purity to achieve are on a path of materialism..
    You are choosing the finest may be the toughest but truthful path to achieve...

    On the other hand when you find God as the end and you will do any work to attain will choose any way to attain are under the influence of spiritual powers which may not be positive...

  2. the only thing required is to believe that there is god in everything.. Then everything we do will be godly.. I am right? Will then we be spiritual?

  3. Materialism and Spiritualism -both words are self-explanatory. While Materialism is derived from "material" - objects to say so , Spiritualism originates from "spirit". In my understanding, Every big statement, every heavy quote, every belief can be simplified to a simple idea of body and soul. Metaphorically body is a material and our soul the spirit. Like every materialistic object comes with an expiry date so does our body. The soul however is eternal. Understanding this fine line of difference and prioritizing one's thoughts accordingly determines the level of materialism and spiritualism in an individual --- That's what I believe.

  4. What is soul and what is spirit? Isnt this complexity making it difficult for people around to understand sprituality. There got to be a definition that we could see in every day life. Can anybody help me look for that simplistic approach to sprirtuality.

  5. What is soul and what is spirit? Isnt this complexity making it difficult for people around to understand sprituality. There got to be a definition that we could see in every day life. Can anybody help me look for that simplistic approach to sprirtuality.

  6. Spirit and soul are differentiated as

    Sprit also involves one's conscious state of mind i.e how it sees the world around.What he believes in.

    While Soul is just an immaterial essence of a body which can be living or non living(as per some religions and "Animism").
    Though Animism treats spirit and soul on the same plane as compared to some religions.

    Though this analysis can't be judged on material grounds but if we compare Animism and some examples from Hinduism which say "soul is present in all living and non living things","soul is immortal".

    I also read a very good example for Islam which I would like to share here

    Five times daily the Moslem muezzin calls out from the Mosque: "There is no god but Allah." The people repeat this and reiterate it far more than a hundred times during the day in their quarrels, feasts, fasts, rejoicings, and common conversation. But in my daily observations — and I have lived among them for more than twenty-five years — I find they have fetishes and superstitious customs which amount to as many gods as the heathen* who bow down to wood and stone.

    *An unconverted individual of a people that do not acknowledge the God of the Bible; a person who is neither a Jew, Christian, nor Muslim

    1. My last example talks about how our soul and spirits can act differently.And if they do then surly we are not on a right path

  7. I still cant understand the difference... can u simplify it a little bit...

  8. Simplifying my words: Spirit is something which helps us to interact with external world its that state of mind which may contain things we have not seen but still believe in and which becomes a mediator in our interaction will external world.All living things contain Spirit in them.

    Soul on other hand is nonliving immortal and immaterial essence of our body.Soul is present in all living and non living things.
